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Where to Dance: Boulder Colorado

When I travel to cities like New York or London, I know a good dance class awaits. Those cities are known for their arts communities. But sometimes, as I travel to places not particularly known for dance, I find myself asking 'Could I find a good dance class here?' Dance

QUIZ: Which Dance City Should I Move To?

*Originally written for "My Dance Dreams Blog." So you're fresh out of studio training and you're wondering where to go next. What kind of dancer are you, and where will you thrive? Are you pining after the bright lights of Broadway? Or manifesting dreams of making it in

Travel Jobs: Entertainment Edition

  I cannot get away from the term "digital nomad." It's everywhere, in the most annoying way. Sometimes I just want to give it a firm elbow, like the kid in class who won't stop playing the drums with his pencils. Okay WE GET IT, you