ORC Week 6: A Tease of What’s To Come
One wall is done and I am loving how it looks!
It has been exhausting being so meticulous on this project, but I know that taking my time is essential or else I’ll have to live with my rushed mistakes forever. I will say, it’s not perfect. At some angles, in some light, you can see where the panels come together and where I tried to smooth the caulk over but I didn’t quite get it flush. But, I’m happy with this side of the wall since it’s the one that will be seen the most (the other one has a couch in front of it). I’m trying not to be too hard on myself. I know it’s not pro level (ie: perfect) but I do think it’s livable and visually impressive.

I actually finished this wall about 2 weeks ago. But I needed a break. I had to go get more materials for the second wall and just acquiring the wall panel, moulding, paint, caulk, and everything was almost a full day worth of errands….Then, my dad’s miter saw broke on me. I’ll leave that story for next week. But hint: I now have a new RYOBI tool in my toolkit.
So, this weekend I’m actually working toward the end of the project, but there’s nothing to show there yet. So for now here are some teaser photos of the nice wall all tidy and styled.
Remember my initial vision? What do you think? Tell me in the comments.

Find more room inspo at One Room Challenge.